We had another wonderful weekend of worship at The Mission on Sunday. It was great to have some visitors attend the service on Sunday evening.

We attempted to Live Stream the service, but the quality wasn’t very good due to internet issues. Please accept our apologies for this. We hope those issues will be resolved soon.

This week, there will be an early morning prayer meeting tomorrow (Wednesday) at 6.00 am. On Thursday evening, our Bible study will be on ‘How to Read the Bible Part 2’.

On Saturday, we will be meeting at the church for prayer from 8-9am, followed by breakfast and outreach in the community from 9.45 am – 11 am. Please join us as we seek to share the good news of the gospel.

Finally, on Sunday, we will have our 6.30 pm service and the title of the message will be ‘What Seek Ye?’ from John 1:35-51.

For more information about our services go here. Also, the work of The Mission would not be possible without the donations of God’s people. Would you please pray about how God might want you to give to help the work of The Colchester Mission?