By Andrew Franklin

Things are returning to normal at the Mission with everyone back, and now looking forward to our official opening on Sunday 19th September.

On Saturday we had our Church Bbq at Travis and Teri’s house and with everyone contributing the food was absolutely delicious. I didn’t realise we had so many talented chefs. Also keeping us entertained we had three puppies who all emerged relatively unscathed.

Sunday the title of Travis’s Sermon was ‘So what if I don’t believe in Jesus?’ Reminding us that our actions have consequences and in this case the gravest eternal consequences.

Tuesday we resumed our prayer meetings. Not quite as early as before but every week we will meet at 8.00am for an hour’s prayer. All are welcome and we strongly believe that the strength and growth of every Church is based on prayer, both personal and corporate. 

During the day we continued to work on our premises. All the walls, except for the office have been filled and have received at least one coat of paint. Whilst we will continue to carry on this work our next projects are to replace the floor tiles, and then the ceiling tiles. 

However, as we pause to reflect, it is amazing to see how much the Lord has already done through His people.

At 7.30pm we had our weekly Bible Study, continuing to go through the book of Philippians. A particularly challenging verse for us all was 2 v14, Do ALL things without murmurings and disputings. 

This Sunday evening at 6.30pm the title of our Sermon is, ‘Opening the eyes of the blind’, and we look forward to welcoming you then.