By Travis Snode

It’s been a busy week at The Mission! The last two Tuesdays, we have put in a couple of long days collecting church chairs, pulpit, and communion table. We also have removed old blinds, constructed a platform, began preparing the walls for painting and hung a few signs up outside.

We are very grateful for the Lord’s provision along the way, but we are running on a very tight budget. Would you please consider making a special donation to The Mission to help us get everything set up? (Our account details are: Vision Baptist Mission, Sort 205425, Account 00411167).

This Week At The Mission:

  • 31 July 9.00am – Outreach (Meet at Headgate House)
  • 1 Aug 6.30pm – Worship Service (Andrew Franklin preaching a message entitled “From Ruin to Restoration” from the book of Philemon)
  • 3 Aug 7.30pm – Bible Study (Philippians 1:27-30)