By Andrew Franklin

It was very strange coming into Colchester to worship the Lord with hundreds if not thousands of English fans also coming in to worship the national football team. Strange and also very sad.

We began by looking at the situation from God’s perspective and in Psalm 147 v10-11 He says pertinently, ‘He delighteth not in the strength of the horse, He taketh not pleasure in the legs of a man. The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that hope in his mercy.’

We then had the excitement of listening to the Lamb children reciting Isaiah 53. What an example and challenge to God’s people to lay up His Word in their hearts.

Sam Quinn, our American missionary preached the sermon from John 6 v22-37 entitled, ‘Seeking the True Bread.’ 
Hopefully this week the lease will be signed on our new premises, everything is now in place.

Our next meeting is our Bible Study on Tuesday evening at 7.30pm, you are most welcome!