Request a free KJV Bible
The Bible changes lives. If you would like your life changed by its power, we would be delighted to send you a free copy of the KJV Bible.
If you live in the UK and would like a Bible, please send your name and address to, and we will dispatch one to you.
With apologies we cannot currently send Bibles outside of the United Kingdom.
** We are now also offering a free New Testament in Arabic, if this is the version you would like please specify this when you send us the email.
Give to this ministry
The Lord has greatly blessed us in this ministry and we are now sending out many Bibles per month. We are a very small church so if the Good Lord prompts you to give to this endeavour then you can do so via the PayPal “Donate” button below. Once you are on our PayPal page please select the “Free Bible Ministry” option from the drop down menu.